Pelletizer Officer

Info Terbaru Seputar Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan SMART Agribusiness and Food sebagai posisi Pelletizer Officer. Jika Lowongan Kerja Sales di Kotabaru ini sesuai dengan kriteria anda silahkan langsung mengirimkan lamaran / CV Terbaru anda melalui situs loker terkini dan terupdate Lokerindo.ID

Setiap pekerjaan mungkn tidak lah mudah untuk di lamar, karena sebagai kandidat baru / calon pegawai harus memenuhi beberapa kualifikasi dan persyaratan sesuai dengan kriteria yang dicari dari Perusahaan tersebut. Semoga info karir dari SMART Agribusiness and Food sebagai posisi Pelletizer Officer dibawah ini sesuai dengan Kualifikasi anda.

Regulate the activities of sending receiving oil and PK Industrial Bulk and Branded through land and sea local Ensure the timely delivery schedule ...

Job Description Summary : Guarantee, manage and coordinate transportation and distribution of all products and materials related to the Company run smoothly. Job Description :
  • Ensure the timely delivery schedule.
  • Regulate the activities of sending / receiving oil and PK Industrial Bulk and Branded through land and sea (local).
  • Arranging and supervising the means of transportation used for the transport of all products of the Company.
  • Finding new and efficient transportation service vendors.
  • Set up transportation services and negotiation rate for export and local.
  • Responsible for all administration and charges for use of transportation services in the Company.
  • Responsible for claims (damages) arising from the Companys transport services.
  • Run Safety Regulation in accordance with applicable policies.
  • Responsible for the implementation of subordinate discipline.
  • Checking the implementation of PRP, Deep Cleaning.
  • Responsible for employee development in logistics.
  • Responsible for the smoothness and accuracy of the SAP administration.
  • Running the implementation of quality management system (ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 22000: 2005, Halal, SMK3, ISCC system, RSPO, SMART D_Safe, OHSAS 18001, HACCP).
  • Responsible in maintaining and maintaining all equipment and equipment (cleanliness) environment (environment) in the work location
  • Maintain and maintain safety and hygiene in the work area, as well as the tidiness of the documents it is responsible for.
  • Review, evaluate and submit daily, weekly and monthly reports from foreman to section head.
  • Recommend improvements (if any) related to reports from foreman.
Job Requirement :
  • Min Bachelor Degree, all major
  • Having min 2 years of working experience from Palm Oil Industry, Manufacture
  • Having experience pellet plants with a PKM/PKE base and good knowledge regarding solvent extraction plants in the Palm Kernel sector
  • Willing to be located in Refinery, Tarjun, Kalimantan Selatan
"Our company has never levied any fees for the recruitment process nor has it required to order tickets and accommodation through a certain travel agent or certain person"

Informasi Tambahan :

  • Perusahaan : SMART Agribusiness and Food
  • Posisi : Pelletizer Officer
  • Lokasi : Kotabaru
  • Negara : ID

Cara Mengirimkan Lamaran :

Setelah Membaca dan telah mengetahui kriteria dan kebutuhan minimum kualifikasi yang telah dijelaskan dari info pekerjaan Pelletizer Officer di kota Kotabaru diatas dengan demikian jobseeker yang merasa belum memenuhi persyaratan meliputi pendidikan, umur, dll dan memang merasa berminat dengan lowongan kerja terbaru Pelletizer Officer, pada bulan ini 2024 diatas, hendaknya secepatnya untuk melengkapi dan menyusun berkas lamaran kerja seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV atau daftar riwayat hidup, FC ijazah dan transkrip dan pelengkap lainnya seperti yang telah dijelaskan diatas, guna mendaftar dan mengikuti seleksi masuk penerimaan pegawai baru diperusahaan yang dimaksud, dikirim melalui link Halaman Selanjutnya di bawah ini.

Proses Selanjutnya

Perhatian - Dalam proses rekrutmen, perusahaan yang sah tidak pernah menarik biaya dari kandidat. Jika ada perusahaan yang menarik biaya wawancara, tes, reservasi tiket, dll hindari karena ada indikasi penipuan. Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan, silakan hubungi kami:

Tanggal Tayang : 13-02-2024