OpenMind | Executive Connection Planning

Info Terbaru Seputar Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Mindshare sebagai posisi OpenMind | Executive Connection Planning. Jika Lowongan Kerja Sales di Jakarta ini sesuai dengan kriteria anda silahkan langsung mengirimkan lamaran / CV Terbaru anda melalui situs loker terkini dan terupdate Lokerindo.ID

Setiap pekerjaan mungkn tidak lah mudah untuk di lamar, karena sebagai kandidat baru / calon pegawai harus memenuhi beberapa kualifikasi dan persyaratan sesuai dengan kriteria yang dicari dari Perusahaan tersebut. Semoga info karir dari Mindshare sebagai posisi OpenMind | Executive Connection Planning dibawah ini sesuai dengan Kualifikasi anda.

This role primarily reports to Connection Planning Group Head Opportunities to work across local and international client and agency teams ...

OpenMind OpenMind by WPP is an integrated agency model drawing on talent from across WPP. It has been created to accelerate the global transformation for Nestlé’s media function. Core to the solution is the best data and technology capabilities, fuelled by WPP’s investment in AI, to maximise the impact of Nestlé media investment.

Reporting of the role

This role primarily reports to Connection Planning Group Head.

Best things about the job:

  • A learning environment with mentorship from within GroupM
  • Opportunities to work across local and international client and agency teams
  • You will always be the at the front line in getting and implementation of the latest insight, trend and new media innovation and technology
  • On top of continuing excellence delivery in traditional media, also huge focus on growing the integration with digital planning product including performance or e-commerce, search and content also included.

Measures of success –
In three months, you would have:

  • Adapted and bonded with the internal team across the agency
  • Understood past work and plans to the best of your ability within the category/brand that you will handle
  • Understood category and brands objectives and the challenges
  • Gained initial client trust and comfort level to drive their business

In six months, you would have:

  • Drive strategic integrated media plans –including conventional, digital and performance based campaigns. Search and Content will also be part of your development and excellence delivery to clients
  • Work with internal and external partners to create best in class media strategies and tactical plans
  • Integrated effectively and in good manner with clients, teams, vendors and partners

In 12 months, you would have:

  • Comfortable to drive strategic & tactical innovation across media platforms

Responsibilities of the role:

Besides planning, overseeing, and driving operational needs of your clients; you would also be in-charge of being a media consultant to the clients by advising, guiding and shaping your clients’ media work specific to the brands you are handled. While growing existing business will be key, you may also be required to assist your senior teams in new business development initiatives, strategic projects and or make plans required to drive the business and internal excellence.

What you will need:

  • 1-2 years working experience, a marketing/digital/client relationship is preferred.
  • Under graduate degree in communication, media or business management is a plus (Post-graduate/masters preferred)
  • Strong analytical and strategic thinking leadership and team management. Creative capability is a plus.
  • Open minded attitude to accept and embrace agile changes, learning new things, and seeking solutions and improvement
  • Experience in – but not limited only to – digital media or marketing/brand management is preferred (or a role that covers above knowledge areas)
  • Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English (both written and spoken)
  • As to understand and able to operate Nielsen tools is important, but what we prefer to see is how you use the relevant data for your clients.
  • Independent in ways of working.
  • Ability to lead and be a team player
  • Discipline and have a good time management skill.
  • Candidate should be able to present thoughts, plans and ideas in a clear and succinct manner (on a PowerPoint, Excel, or otherwise)

About GroupM Indonesia

With a population of 260 million, Indonesia is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic markets in the world. It’s increasing consumer disposable income has meant that Indonesia is now firmly on the radar for MNCs seeking to invest in emerging markets.

Whilst the Indonesian media landscape is still dominated by terrestrial TV with 65% of all advertising spend, digital media is now poised to go through a period of exponential growth. There are around 170 million internet users in Indonesia and more than 70% of them are accessing the web via mobile. The opportunity to transform a media landscape on such a scale is unprecedented in the APAC region.

We’re looking for creative and diligent people to join us on this exciting journey of transformation. We’re ready create impactful solutions for media challenges, shaping the next era of media with our diverse and passionate team.

Informasi Tambahan :

  • Perusahaan : Mindshare
  • Posisi : OpenMind | Executive Connection Planning
  • Lokasi : Jakarta
  • Negara : ID

Cara Mengirimkan Lamaran :

Setelah Membaca dan telah mengetahui kriteria dan kebutuhan minimum kualifikasi yang telah dijelaskan dari info pekerjaan OpenMind | Executive Connection Planning di kota Jakarta diatas dengan demikian jobseeker yang merasa belum memenuhi persyaratan meliputi pendidikan, umur, dll dan memang merasa berminat dengan lowongan kerja terbaru OpenMind | Executive Connection Planning, pada bulan ini 2024 diatas, hendaknya secepatnya untuk melengkapi dan menyusun berkas lamaran kerja seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV atau daftar riwayat hidup, FC ijazah dan transkrip dan pelengkap lainnya seperti yang telah dijelaskan diatas, guna mendaftar dan mengikuti seleksi masuk penerimaan pegawai baru diperusahaan yang dimaksud, dikirim melalui link Halaman Selanjutnya di bawah ini.

Proses Selanjutnya

Perhatian - Dalam proses rekrutmen, perusahaan yang sah tidak pernah menarik biaya dari kandidat. Jika ada perusahaan yang menarik biaya wawancara, tes, reservasi tiket, dll hindari karena ada indikasi penipuan. Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan, silakan hubungi kami:

Tanggal Tayang : 16-05-2024