IT Support

Info Terbaru Seputar Pekerjaan dari Perusahaan Jaris & K sebagai posisi IT Support. Jika Lowongan Kerja Sales di Jakarta ini sesuai dengan kriteria anda silahkan langsung mengirimkan lamaran / CV Terbaru anda melalui situs loker terkini dan terupdate Lokerindo.ID

Setiap pekerjaan mungkn tidak lah mudah untuk di lamar, karena sebagai kandidat baru / calon pegawai harus memenuhi beberapa kualifikasi dan persyaratan sesuai dengan kriteria yang dicari dari Perusahaan tersebut. Semoga info karir dari Jaris & K sebagai posisi IT Support dibawah ini sesuai dengan Kualifikasi anda.

Install and configure computer hardware software systems networks and printers Install new software and hardware drivers and update existing ones as needed ...

Our company was founded by dreamers. Dreamers who believe in creating an innovative out-of-home media platform that will revolutionized the way we conduct advertising. A platform that could adapt to all kinds of enviroment and the development of technology. That is our raison-d’être, which drives us to built solutions for brands to connect with consumers like never before.

Our team are experiences in creating creative out-of-home solutions that has succesfully boost the performance of marketing campaigns. From LEDs to street furniture, we carefully analyze the best spots for your brands.
Install and configure computer hardware, software, systems, networks, and printers. Install new software and hardware drivers and update existing ones as needed.

Maintain the operation of information technology systems, including operating systems, security tools, applications, servers, email systems, laptops, desktops, software, and hardware.

Promptly address technical issues related to IT and user requests.

Offer technical support regarding IT devices within the company.

Serve as a helpdesk for employee inquiries about computer systems, collect and analyze data to diagnose computer system issues.

Generate login access for email and internet for new employees during orientation/onboarding.

Troubleshoot hardware and software issues (Windows OS, Mac OS, MS Office, etc.).

Repair and replace necessary equipment and configure workspace device allocations for employees.

Oversee IT-related company operations to support activities across divisions.

Research and evaluate emerging technologies, hardware, and software, stay informed about trends, and implement them in the company.

Facilitate faster, more efficient business processes and employee productivity.

Provide expertise in Mac OS X, Windows, and commonly used software and applications, offering advice.

Support HRGA needs.

Verify warranties for all company electronic devices (laptops and PCs).
Bachelors degree in computer science, information technology, or related field.

2-3 years of experience in IT support.

Proficient and competent in IT Helpdesk Software.

Experience in documenting processes and monitoring performance metrics.

Advanced knowledge of database maintenance and system security.

Ability to keep up with technical innovations and trends in IT Support.

Communication: Utilize communication skills when assisting colleagues. Listen to others technical issues and determine the best course of action for resolution.

Communicate steps to others to solve problems.

Attention to Detail: Involved in numerous small steps and details. IT Support specialists save solutions to past issues, saving time by avoiding repetition when assisting employees.

Problem Solving: Apply problem-solving skills to thoroughly research issues and determine optimal solutions. Includes gathering data on issue causes or testing various solutions until success is achieved.

Informasi Tambahan :

  • Perusahaan : Jaris & K
  • Posisi : IT Support
  • Lokasi : Jakarta
  • Negara : ID

Cara Mengirimkan Lamaran :

Setelah Membaca dan telah mengetahui kriteria dan kebutuhan minimum kualifikasi yang telah dijelaskan dari info pekerjaan IT Support di kota Jakarta diatas dengan demikian jobseeker yang merasa belum memenuhi persyaratan meliputi pendidikan, umur, dll dan memang merasa berminat dengan lowongan kerja terbaru IT Support, pada bulan ini 2024 diatas, hendaknya secepatnya untuk melengkapi dan menyusun berkas lamaran kerja seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV atau daftar riwayat hidup, FC ijazah dan transkrip dan pelengkap lainnya seperti yang telah dijelaskan diatas, guna mendaftar dan mengikuti seleksi masuk penerimaan pegawai baru diperusahaan yang dimaksud, dikirim melalui link Halaman Selanjutnya di bawah ini.

Proses Selanjutnya

Perhatian - Dalam proses rekrutmen, perusahaan yang sah tidak pernah menarik biaya dari kandidat. Jika ada perusahaan yang menarik biaya wawancara, tes, reservasi tiket, dll hindari karena ada indikasi penipuan. Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan, silakan hubungi kami:

Tanggal Tayang : 15-02-2024